
LIFT (Ladies In Fellowship Together)

Contact: Stephanie Pim, Jenny Bloomquist, Marian Paulson, or Julia Hensch.
This Ladies group has their own Facebook page. They meet at different locations or via Zoom for fellowship and service projects which vary each time. Connect with them on Facebook or by contacting Stephanie Pim, Jenny Bloomquist, Marian Paulson, or Julia Hensch.

Ladies ARM Group

Contact: Sharon Phillips

This Ladies ARM group is a caring and sharing group of women whose primary focus is to create an atmosphere where group members affirm and encourage one another.  They meet every other Thursday from 7:00-9:00 PM via ZOOM.  Once they finish the Fall Sunday Sermon Study Series, THE LORD’S PRAYER by Adam Hamilton, they will begin the Advent Sunday Sermon Study Series, WHO NEEDS CHRISTMAS by Andy Stanley.  Please contact the leader if you plan to join this group.  All women are welcome!

Rachel Circle

Contact: Pam Duehr or Katie Nelson

Rachel Circle’s goal is to support and encourage each other in their Christian journey.  Members rotate responsibilities as hostesses and plan programs that could include a speaker who presents information on a relevant topic.  A service project is also included each month.  Their mission is to form relationships with community agencies and assist them either with a monetary donation or with goods and service.  Anyone is welcome to drop in and join the group at any time.  They are currently meeting on the second Tuesday of the month at the church in Room 302-303 on the second level and via ZOOM at 6:30 PM.  Please contact one of the above people for the link to ZOOM or any other needed information.

Hannah Circle

Contact: Donna Stradt

Hannah Circle is a socially oriented group of ladies that meets on the second Tuesday of the month from September through May.  They gather to share joys and concerns, catch up on the latest news, and share milestones with one another.  Anyone is welcome and should contact Donna Stradt for the link to ZOOM and any other needed information.

Asbury Card Ministry

Contact:  Alinda Littrel
This group has a lot of fun making cards and everyone is welcome to join them!  They meet at the church on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM.  You do not have to be an expert in paper-crafting and there is something for everyone to do.  If you would like to receive an email reminder before each of our meetings contact the church office or Alinda.