Small groups offer conversation, feedback, and support. We can experience personal discovery and spiritual growth which in turn helps us cope with the challenges the world presents. All of us can grow in our spiritual walk with Christ as we become connected with a small body of believers that can love, support, and know us. Small group gatherings also equip us so that we can better serve our church and the Church of the World. Asbury offers many opportunities throughout the year for you to become involved in an Adult Small Group. Please avail yourself to one or more of these exciting groups!
Asbury now has access to Amplify Media which will be used to view videos. For more information, contact your group leader or the church office. They will be able to provide you with login information and then you can click on the purple AmplifyMedia box above to connect. There are thousands of videos available for every age which can also be used for inspiration and reflection in your own personal faith journey!
The YouVersion App is a great way to help read the Bible everyday.
Start your journey today!